My blog is going to follow the line of quite a few others - 2008 for me was the year of the pogo - lots of ups and downs, and a few pogo stick dances at jl avec Freddie!
The brilliants ups - my friends, finishing school, starting uni, being free, seeing my niece, being in south africa - being HOME, family, Glastonbury, Jersey Live, the best summer of my life, the best Christmas of my life
The heart-breaking lows - clearing, exams, disappointment, redundancy, the credit crunch, death, war, heartbreak, jealousy
But i wouldn't have changed anything this year, because it all happened for a reason. Im a much stronger person than i was 12 months ago. I know who I am now - some bits of myself I'm not entirely happy with, but I can change if i want to. At least I know me.
And now I look forward to 2009. this year i'll no longer be a teenager! I'm going to glastonbury this year, hopefully with a few friends which'll be awesome! and i'll be living and surviving by myself, which is the most fun Ive ever had.
I've realised this Christmas that I dont fit at home anymore. I feel like a jigsaw piece thats forced into a hole that almosts fits, but not quite. This is my home, and i love it, but its not me anymore. I'm different, but this place has stayed the same. I cant wait to get back to uni, but I know i dont fit in my house either. thats not necessarily a bad thing. I love sussex and i know i fit there, i just think i need new housemates. So the new year will bring some change, and maybe i'll find a jigsaw that'll fit better....
I do know one place where I do fit, and I'm gonna follow Freddie's lead on this one - FRIENDS. I spent last nite with Tori, Alex, Claire, and Rachel, and I couldn't imagine spending New Years with anyone else (except including Freddie, Marina, & Methini) We had such a fun time, talking and singing, and messing around, and I'm really glad i didn't go to the NYE party at the waterfront. Because I fit with my friends, they really mean the world to me. I know most of the time I dont really show it (cause I'm usually being quite mean or hurting them!) but I really love all of you, and its actually you lot that keep me sane. (Oh dear God, how can that be true when you're all insane!) I just want to say, thank you for standing by me this year, and helping me when I thought I couldn't go on. I haven't had a great year, but its all my friends who stopped me from going under. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I'm going to sign off now, before I actually make myself cry. Thank God 2008 is over, and here's to a better 2009!