There are a number of things getting me through this truely hellish experience:
- The awful weather - makes it so much easier to be stuck indoors
- My annoying housemates who insist on having the TV up far too loud even when I've asked them to turn it down
- Again, my housemates and them not doing their washing up, therefore making the house smell
- Two of my housemates constantly having sex in their room, and as the walls are pretty thin, the ENTIRE house can hear them
- And going home and seeing my friends
Talking of collapsing, last night the weirdest thing happened. I was doing some reading for my seminar this morning, reading about the causes of the First World War, when i decided just to rest my eyes for a few minutes as i was pretty tired. Next thing I know, I wake up at 2 in the morning, my reading stuck to my face, my body in some weird curled up position, and a bloody sore crick in my neck. I peeled my reading off my face, threw all my books and crap on the floor, and fell asleep again. My friend phoned and texted me not long after, which i slept through. If i get a text, my phone literally goes off and vibrates every 10 seconds, but i slept through this. My 3 alarms went of at 7.30 which i completely slept through, and therefore missed my seminar this morning. I didnt wake up until 12pm. In that time, my phone had been vibrating and ringing as my course mates tried to see if i was alive, my housemates went to lectures (slamming the front door as they did), they'd made breakfast, had showers, watch tv, and (according to them) made quite a bit of racket. I'd slept through all this. I've never done this before. So i woke up, not having a clue where everyone was or why i'd slept so late!

Talking of sleeping, I'm gonna go watch a DVD and have an early one so that i can be up bright and early tomorrow to get an entire day of revision done!
And the countdown begins: 40 days till Glastonbury!!!

And 48 days till I'm back in Jersey.
That's whats getting me through revision!
1 comment:
i find the hitler comment funny and even funnier than you're revising both of them :P
haha xx
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