So in Freddie's video, she showed us all what her course is all about. And unfortunately, what she does is a tad more intersting than what I have to do. I love my course, it's so interesting, but its no where near as fun as Freddie's seems to be.
In case you've forgotten, I am doing History, the best subject I could possibly have chosen to do. I have less hours of contact time than most other people (i've got a maximum of 9 hours of lectures and seminars a week, and thats only every other week. usually it's just 7 hours!) But I have a hell of a lot of reading to do. And far too many essays.
Now I tell everyone who listens about how much reading I have, and while everyone is sympathetic, I don't think they quite realise how much reading I have to do. So I decided to take some photos of how much reading I have.

This is my folder with all the reading I have done in the past 4 weeks. I spent all weekend organising it and writing notes so that I have something to revise with when it comes to the dredded exams.

These are my course readers for 2 of my units. The reading for the other unit is online, so just imagine another course reader like this but even bigger.

So there you go, all the reading I do for my degree. Plus dont forget to add another course reader on top of the pink one to make up for the unit of reading that's on the internet. And now you see the reason why my facebook status' are always "Helen is still reading and wants to die..." etc!

And the best bit? That's all the compulsory reading I have to do. I'm expected to do extra reading, a few of those books I have on my self, most of them I have to go to the library to get. As it takes me forever to do the compulsory reading, I rarely get a chance to do the extra reading unless I have to write an essay!
But I love my course, even though the reading is a bit daunting at times. And then in our seminars, we debate the texts we've read and then in essays, we debate the topic. So it's pretty easy once the reading is done!
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