I will be back in Jersey in exactly a month. I leave Brighton on the 13 December. 30 days and I'll be leaving my student home to return to my own bed, to see my family, and more importantly, my friends.

Disbelief - I can't believe how quickly the last 7 weeks have gone. I've almost completed 1/3 of my first year. That's scary!!
Excitement - I can't wait to see my friends again, and catch up, and have a proper, insane get together. I havn't yet shown my housemates the true, insane me, so I've got some insanity that I need to release! Who better than on my friends! ha ha
Dread - (a) I hate Christmas so I never look forward to this part of the year, and (b) living under my parents again is going to be soooo weird after surviving on my own for so long. Having to abide by my parents rules, being constantly asked about work/assignments etc, not being able to come in at whatever time i want and make as much noise as i want, not being able to cook for myself whenever I feel like it and eat whatever i want without disapproving looks....etc.
Relief - Finally I can get some Mummy cooking, and hopefully some of my washing done, especially the clothes with stains on them. Proper drying facilities instead of just my radiator.
Excitement (again) - because my sister, my brother-in-law and my niece are coming for Christmas so I can't wait to see them!!
Annoyance - because I will have to work during the holidays so I can afford to feed myself next term, and that means i'll have less time to relax, spend time with friends, sister, niece etc.
So yeah, I don't know if I'm looking forward to going back or not, but I know seeing my friends and niece will make everything else better. Its just going to be very very odd not living in my own house, making my own decisions and only answering to myself.
So I'll be seeing you in 30 days....

1 comment:
what a great blog, you pretty much hit all the feelings on the nail! 'cept id add yay! - i get to play with ronald again!! (if people dont know Ronald is a piano, it could sound very dogey lol) but yay, cant wait to see you Helen!!! xx
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