Sunday 14 December 2008

A Christmas Miracle

On 23 November, I wrote a blog about my brother and sister in law who had been made redundant and now weren't coming over for Christmas. I hoped and prayed, possibly for the first time in my life, for a Christmas miracle.

It's happened.

My brother and sister in law are coming over for only four days - between 18th December and 22nd December. My parents are paying for them to come over, and they don't really know how they can afford to do it, but they don't really care, because now my whole family will be together for four days. And that is the miracle of Christmas. Family and friends joining together to talk, have fun and enjoy life.

I'm a very lucky person to be surrounded by so many people who love and care for me. This is going to be an amazing Christmas, and I'm so glad to be home.
I hope that everyone has a Christmas miracle, and has a happy and peaceful Christmas.


Moustache Fever said...

*smile* You deserve nothing less, my dear :) xxxxxx

Marina said...

:D 100% agree with Freds

Little Red Belly Dancer said...

I agree too :D I'm so happy for you :D Good luck to ur brother and sister in law! xx