Wow, two blogs in two days?! Must be a new record for me or something!
Anywho, following on from Freddie's video (YAAAAAAAAAY Freddie sunday is back in my life!!!) I thought I'd answer her questions today, as I'm going to be having another manic week this week and probably wont get the chance later.
Soooo, question numero 1:
What did I secretly want to be when I was growing up?Errrr, no idea. I honestly can't remember what I wanted to be. I suppose I was like most kids and wanted to be a princess/dinosaur finder/adventurer/pirate, but what real job did i always want to do? No idea. Definitely not law.
How old was I when I started walking?Again, no idea. Whatever the normal age to start walking is. I know I learnt to talk very quickly and my parents always joke that they've never been able to shut me up (haha aren't parent's funny?!)
Stripes or Polka dots?Er, see background please. Polka dots all the way!!
Worst haircut I've ever had in my life?Probably the one I did for myself where I cut it all wonky. That wasn't so fun. Luckily you can disguise a bad haircut with my hair.
Do I like the name Juno?Yes, but it only suits Ellen Page in the film. Unless you're as cool as she is, Juno will never suit you!
If I could already fly, had super strength and super speed, what would be my extra super hero power?Definitely invisibility. Cause then I could spy on people!
What is the naughtiest thing I've ever done?Oh God, I was such an evil child, that there are probably loads of things, many of which I've forgotten, they were that bad! The first thing that sprang to mind was stealing pick and mix from my local shop in south africa every single sunday for about 6 years. That's a lot of pick and mix. Or stealing some of my sisters' jewellery, and then breaking it, and blaming my little brother who couldn't talk and so couldn't defend himself? :S I was a naughty sister!
Now, I'm looking forward to reading other people's answers! And Freddie, I know you answered a few of the questions, but I think you should answer all of them!
I also just wanted to say that I absolutely LOVE your first video, Freddie! The bit at the beginning, where you're singing to
How do you like you're eggs in the morning makes me smile every time and really cheers me up. I listen to that song, and
Get Happy by Judy Garland, every morning on my way into uni and it makes sure I start my day off well! Then when I get home after spending most of the day in the library, I make sure I watched that part of the video just to cheer me up! So thank you Freddie! :D
Toodles for now