But its not been the best two months of my life. Firstly I didn't get the grades I needed for Exeter or Cardiff and so i went into Clearing. I finally got a place at Sussex and I'm then told I havn't got Halls accommodation and I have to either stay with a host family (er no thanks!) or find private accommodation.
This was truly stressful because not only did i have to find a house to live in but i also had to find housemates. i was le
t down by quite a few people until i found a group i quite liked. I went to Brighton for the day to meet my potential housemates (5 guys, as yet I was the only girl but we were planning to get some more) and see some house. We eventually found a house we liked, and agreed to rent it. Finally some good news!!
However, yesterday I had some more bad news. For years, I've had very sore wrists, and I've always just thought it was from netball or doing too much writing. It suddenly started hurting really bad about two weeks ago, so I went to the doc and he sent me for an x-ray. I got the results back yesterday and I've got early degenerative arthritis.
FUCK!! I thought onl
y old people could get arthritis!! I couldn't believe it! I was so shocked when he told me, I couldnt quite take it in and I just felt numb! It was only as i was walking to work that it hit me, and I had a little cry. He couldnt tell me how worse it would get and if it would affect me now, or it would only really start to affect me later. I have to see a specialist but as I'm off to uni, that wont be till xmas unless I see someone in the UK.
Then, about two hours later, I got a call from one of my housemates telling me that two other housemates had dropped out, for no apparant reason. Although he was really angry, as he'd already put down a deposit on the house, he told me that already he had other people asking about moving in. At the moment, we've got two more girls moving in so hopefully its now going to be 50/50!
Hopefully things'll start getting better soon because I hate all this bad luck i seem to be having. I'm extra sad because everyone's starting to leave for uni. Claire left yesterday and left a message on my facebook wall which made me cry, especially as i was in a fragile state anyway! Soon other people will be going and then it'll be my turn. Hopefully a new start at university will bring me better luck....
I think I made up from my lack of posts over the last two weeks by writing this extra long one! Its not the happiest of blogs, but hopefully I'll start feeling more positive soon! Today was a good start, with filming Freddie's new video which was actually so much fun, even if it was a little uncomfortable. I think I've decided I dont suit black hair (see below!) Ha ha!